SHOOTING CHRONY Ballistic Printer
Ships To Your Home
Handled by our expert shippers in Bardstown, KY.
Prints on plain paper, comes with 16 ft. interface cable and runs on 4 batteries (AA, 6V), included. Can be placed anywhere on the Shooting Bench because it connects to the Chrony with a Cable (without needing light port alignments). The SHOOTING CHRONY BALLISTIC PRINTER works with all Shooting Chrony Models Prints velocities as you shoot, and/or afterwards, when retrieving from memory. When done, push button, and Printer gives statistics, such as: LO, HI and Average velocity, Extreme Spread and Standard Deviation. Attach to target or file. It is a document. Printer also functions as a Remote Control . Weight: 1 lbs.; 4" x 7.5" x 1.75" high.