Shop with KYGUNCO for the best selection, competitive pricing, and exceptional customer service. Experience the difference that comes with buying from a trusted outdoor retailer with over 20 years of experience in the industry.
I had never owned a Kel Tec pistol and was pleasantly surprised the way this pistol shot. I do have a little concern for the cycling with a fuller mag, but we'll see with more shooting! KY Gun Co has great deals and customer service.
The KELTEC PMR 30 is a great gun I have enjoyed shooting this pistol. I have not had any problems so far and would suggest to anyone to purchase. I placed this item on layaway with kyguns and it was shipped shortly after I made the last payment. Thanks kyguns. Great company to do business with!!!
Super light, accurate and ready for the zombie apocalypse ?? 30 rounds ready to go in a very light package - FUN!
Lightest weapon I ever held and very responsive
Have not shot this yet but couldn’t pass of the amazing deal KY Gun Co had.
Nice pistol! It holds 30 rounds of .22 Magnum, which is amazing!
One of the best shooting pistols i have every owned, no jams, no misfires and zero problems. You would swear it has had a trigger job done so smooth.