COLD STEEL Sjambok 54" Blade 1/2" Diameter Kray-Ex Handle

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In Africa, the Sjambok (Sham-Bawk) is a cattle prod, a whip, a riding crop and a means of self-protection. Unlike most western style whips, the Sjambok is not plaited from thin leather thongs. Instead, it is carved whole out of very thick Hippopotamus hide. Its considerable reach, lightning speed and devastating impact have built it quite a reputation as a sure defense against deadly snakes. Since the Sjambok is swung like a rod or stick and not cracked like a conventional western style whip, the weight, speed and flexibility of the Sjambok’s lash does all the work and little skill is required to wield it effectively.

Today Hippo hide is pretty scarce and not commercially viable, so Cold Steel has decided to make a synthetic version of the classic Sjambok. Featuring a thick, beefy lash, injection molded from polypropylene and equipped with a soft comfortable Kray-Ex™ handle designed to resemble braided leather, the synthetic Sjambok rivals the look and performance of even the most expensive originals. What's more since it's made entirely from super tough plastic it's impervious to the elements and will never break, crack, shrink or mildew like leather is prone to do.

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